Author Archives: Josh Cary

What is CBD Bioavailability?

What is CBD Bioavailability?

Bioavailability is one of those terms that you have likely come across. You’ll see it on CBD and wellness blogs such as this one, and in articles in newspapers and magazines. But what exactly is it? First, let’s grab the dictionary definition: Bioavailability | bi·o·a·vail·a·bil·i·ty noun | PHYSIOLOGY the proportion of a drug or other […]

How I Lost 150 Pounds and Kept it Off, an Interview with Trey Cotton

Trey Cotton Lost 150 Pounds, Lost to Win

I reached out to Trey a couple weeks ago to interview him for our blog. I have known Trey for about 10 years having worked with him as a recording engineer back when he was in a band I was recording and we have kept in touch via social media since then. Trey has lost […]